Friday 10 October 2014

Letterforms final Pieces

After researching various letterforms and typography, I planned out what I wanted to do for my final pieces. I used the phrases 'I will whisper' and 'You will listen'. 

Overall i think the pieces went quite well.I especially liked the 'i will whisper' one as i think the ground worked well within the piece. If i were to create this piece again i think i would have used a different font for the word whisper to make it stand out from the rest.

I think the 'you will listen' sign worked well but I think i could have improved on it. Maybe by making the word listen more hard hitting and harsher looking to make it look like a command, however i still like the piece, especially as i think it works well with the other as a set. 

I also added the word so to connect the two pieces which were originally the lyric 'i will whisper so you will listen'.

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