Wednesday 28 January 2015

A window of my Own Final Pieces

For thi project I decided to show my perspective on the world through re-creating old photographs of my family. Below are the original images and my take on them. I wanted to create a modern feel to my images by using digital.

Monday 26 January 2015

Pinhole photography

I used a biscuit tin and light sensitive multi grade paper to create this pinhole photograph. I really liked the high contrast effect of the image created by exposing it for 90seconds.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Photograms and Solarisation

I enjoyed experimenting with solarisation and photograms in the darkroom and liked the effects created by them. i don't think i will use them in my final pieces as I prefer to work with digital but I still enjoyed creating these pieces.



Monday 12 January 2015

Testing Altered Lenses

We tried altering the lens using various items to distort the image slightly and create different effects. We used tights over the lens to create a softer look, Vaseline to create blurred edges and a lens baby to distort the faces.

Lens Baby



Tuesday 6 January 2015

Self Portraits

We were asked to take self portraits for the focus and framing project we are doing at the moment. The only rule was that they had to include an element of personality and identity in them. I chose to include my personality through hobbies (photography and music) and these are the self portraits I took. The neighbors goat made an appearance half way through the shoot which was interesting as another love of mine is animals so it kind of fit in with the shoot! The location for the shoot was near to my home and I used an old photo I have of my Granddad that I especially like to use as the scene and the photos where I am standing are where my granddad stood in his photo.
My Granddad